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amitsaran's Articles In Help
May 2, 2009 by amitsaran
I want to delete some skins from my personal gallery, whats the way to do it? Also is there any option to rearrange skins or they will only appear according to the newest submitted.                 Thanks in advance.
June 18, 2009 by amitsaran
Recently i've noticed a new thing called "Average Skin Rating" under Skins Stats on my personal site. Is it the average rating of all the skins at my gallery? Just wanted to know about this in more detail, help much appreciated !!
July 26, 2009 by amitsaran
When using Windows Blinds, the 'Create , Edit and Sky and Fog buttons' in Bryce6 get permanently covered by the skin as shown in the screenshot and im unable to use them. The screenshot here shows 'Diamond' but it happens like this with all other WB Skins, though it works normal with default Vista Aero skin. Any Bryce6 user who has the same problem or anyone having a solution to this? Help much appreciated !!
October 30, 2009 by amitsaran
I recently installed a clean copy of Windows 7 Ultimate (32-bit) on my notebook.Then installed all available updates through Windows Update.Then installed Impulse and the following-Window Blinds7DeskscapesLogonStudioIcon Packager5Skin Studio7FencesAnd seem to have nothing working correct except for the Deskscapes !!WB7 not applying themes, neither IP 5 or LogonStudio seem to work, Also not getting any kinda error messages.Please help !!
February 2, 2011 by amitsaran
I don't know if any of you thought where I have been since the past few days......but all I can tell you is that I have undergone the worst time of my life during these days as my Mom died recently at an early age of 58.  She was everything to me, I indeed know that I can't live without her, I mean it's almost impossible for me to believe that she is no more there with me !! Can't write more .....  
June 15, 2011 by amitsaran
 Hey guys, this is is a first hand shot of the lunar eclipse today, 16-6-11  from my Cannon IXUS [e digicons]:'([/e] i wish i could make a .dream outta ...... but hope you enjoy this one !!
January 15, 2012 by amitsaran
My Object Desktop subscription expired in July 2011, at that time Impulse was used to install all the programs. Also there was an option of downloading and archiving the software in Impulse as a .Impulse file, now when i try to install the archived files through Impulse(GameStop), it does'nt install the programs. Recently i read this post about downloading your programs through the Stardock Store, but over there i don't see any of the Object Desktop programs. I know that o...